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PLEASE HELP ME!!! i want 2 kiss her but i'm too nervous to

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Whenever i go out on a date with my girlfriend, shannon, i always have a chance to kiss and i really want to. My friend found out that if i did try to kiss her she would go through with it. Even knowing this i still get really nervous. An example is when i went to dinner with her and a couple of friends, bought the food she ordered and all that. After the dinner we walk to my friends house and had a little party. When everyone was inside watching a movie, she wispers in my ear "lets go outside and look at the stars." so we go outside and no1 else followes us out. So we are sitting there, perfect chance to kiss her i thought. But i go soo nervous and never did kiss her . So we just sat there and talk about some stupid things. Ya we are in all of the same classes and i just sit there half the time staring at her and times she will catch me lookin at her and we will just smile at eachother. I don't no what to do. When should i kiss her??? She i just let it happen, plan it or what??? What will happen after with our relationship I NEED ADVICE!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!

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You're far ahead of where I was at your age, man. i didn't truly have my first romantic kiss until my freshman year of college. And it was also my first serious relationship; the very girl I'm trying to get back right now so I can marry her.


Back to your kiss. When I kissed Sarah the first time, it just happened. It felt natural, and we both knew it. Don't go out of your way to plan it; simply act upon the opportunity when it presents itself. Women seem to love it when a man takes the inititive and DOES. He doesn't talk about, or think about, he just DOES. So, the next time you find yourself in a romantic situation like that, looking out at the stars and all alone, go ahead and kiss her gently. If she wants more, she will show you. If she doesn't, then you didn't intrude on her to any great extent and she won't hold it against you.


Good luck!



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