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Has this been the case for anyone?

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Well I dont no if the NO CONTACT rule works 100% every time.


It all depends on the relationship, how long you was together, why you split up and who did the dumping.


Im currently 2 weeks into the NO CONTACT and is does get easier. My ex girlfriend broke things off with me 5 weeks ago.


Ive done all the begging, emails and txts. She found a new boyfriend within 2 weeks of the breakup and has moved on so fast.


We where together for 5 years, engaged & was looking to start a family.


Time is the best healer, your ex cannot miss what they had until it is really gone.


I hope that NO CONTACT works, at this stage I have given up all hope of her ever coming back or even contact me. What have we got to lose, they are gone, they are not contacting us and make out they dont want to no us.


Things can only get better, if they return you will be stronger and the NEW relationship will be better. If they never return you will have grown stronger, worked on your life and moved on.


Sorry I cannot be of much help to you, if you are doing the NO CONTACT rule keep up the hard work, if your not I would recommend you start.


Good luck

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hi slbg ..thnx 4 the comments.


I havent yet tried the no contact thing yet but i know it has got to be done...heres a lil bit bout my situation.


Ok we started out very good friends we clicked so well..i had never done the friendship first thing with a man..i was alwayz ending up in bed 1st..yes grown up now so this time i thought things would b different.

We both knew of eachothers bkgrounds...i had two kids from my ex ...we ended on good terms...and he had a child with his ex ,she cheated on him alot..i dnt think they ended on good terms.

We kinda started seein eachother ...yep we had sex ...we crossed our friendship boundry ...basically things went weird from there...


Yeh he would confess his undyin love for me ,i was the ONE etc..but then he would mention i still feel for my ex..i wish i could get her out my head and b with u..


I kinda backed off a bit..its wat he needed he was confused i still saw him but i never put any pressure on him to commit to me .


Come xmas he was ignorin my calls etc ..i was sick wit worry i kept thinkin noway would he jus push me away like dat witout no explanation..so eh i would try call etc not consistently but yeh i tried ..i sent an email sayin after everythin how could u just turn me away like i meant nuthin....etc


He came online an basically i got the hint he was bk wit is ex..i wished him luck and said i hope we can still b friends ..he said of cource...


He still never answered my calls tho..omg it hurt like hell...i tried gettin in touch once a week but nuthin...


Then after newyears he returns a call sayin'babes im so sorry etc,me an my ex were never bk together..we met up an he explained more...apparently he missed me bad,still had feelins 4 me and the reason he cut me off was because he was scared of fallin in too deep wit me ..scared of commitment...i said ok well now uve told me this lets jus put it behind us ...but next time if u blank me like this im gon walk away...


I fell into it again..we crossed the friendship thing ended up in bed...now three months on he jus got bk from a tour in the usa (hes a hiphop artist signed to a major label so he is real busy etc) ...he mailed me sayin he would get intouch wen he got bk...he hasnt botherd...so i rang...he didnt answer ..so now im thinkin mayb its a case of wat happened over xmas/newyears....Should i jus leave it now and see wat happens?..i guess i should

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Hi miss_dyme


Well I think the NO CONTACT rule is the only way to go.


Im going through it now and its not easy but it does give you the strength and power to move on with your life.


It will be tempting to send a lil txt or an email or just a short call, but if you do you are back to square one.


Be strong, im sure things will work out.

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