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i like a girl in my school. sometimes, when i saw her, i would say 'hi' which is the only word i said. can u help me by giving me ideas/topics to talk? i don't think i can use those kind of open-ended questions to chat with her because most of the time, when i saw her walking past be me, she will be with her frens so i don't think she will have the time to stop and talk to me. on the other hand, i also find it weird to talk to her those open-ended Qs since she will be passing me fast and with her fren around. of course, seldomly, i would see her alone waiting for her frens so i can have chat with her until her frens come. if u have problem understanding what i'm trying to say, ask me.

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plz help asap... i dun wanna let our relationship weakens because of the examination, she has not come online very often where i chat with her most of the time. i really wanna have eyes-to-eyes chat with her more frequent because i really enjoy it

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