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Yeast Infection problems.

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My girlfriend has had a reoccurring yeast infection for the past 5 months.


It started off as a yeast infection and she treated it with over the counter 7 day treatment. She got her period and it came back. It hurts her when we have sexy and she says it burns and feels like she is all cut up down there. We went to the clinic (i think this place is almost a joke ill explain later) the first time they perscribed some yeast infection stuff. This worked but when she got her period again it came back. We treated it again and then went back. They then talked about maybe its from the tampoons so she tried pads last month. Then they talked about pills we would both take but then the next time she went to the clinic another person looked at her and said she should just take some samples and well see when they come back. Now she has taken the monistat 7 again and it has been a weak, and its still as bad, its like it gets worse each month and worse each time it goes away.


I think that we need to go see a REAL doctor about this and it is starting to hurt our relationship, mainly because it is emotionally upsetting for her as she feels she is screwed up. I have been providing as much help as possible and incuraging her to go ot the clinic.


Has anyone ever had this or can tell us what to do. We are going to go see a proper doctor but she does not want to tell her mother so we can get it on medical and covered (were in canada) anyways any help would be awsome, thanks

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Hi, i suffer alot with thrush, which is a yeast infection, and i was the same i couldnt get rid of it and i felt cut down there as well as been uncomfortable, i read in a magazine to try probotic youghurt drinks like yakult and when i tried it it did help and it honest ly went away for me, but once i stoppped drinking it it cam back and i was all red and sore again, so im back on it again, you can get it at the youghurt aisles in Asda or your local supermarket, it did help me and i fi have to take it for the rest of my life then i will, you can get it in strawberry flavour and they taste really nice,


i hope you get on ok and let me know if it helps!!

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You may want to get checked out yourself, I have never experienced it myself, but it is possible you could be the one giving her the infection. Sometimes guys can have it and not even know it. It would be worth checking out so you know your not it.


The other way to know is this happened once you two started being intimate or not.. Think back.


Its nothing to be ashamed about and if it fixes your sex life then it is all good.


Good luck.

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no this started happening about a year into our relationship, and yes I have gone to the doctor and I was the first to be diagnosed with a yeast infection, the first time i got some red bumps and it burned now it just gets red if she has a yeast infection and we have sex.


I was told that on the male it will go away as it does not have a proper place to grow, yeast preferse dark moist places or something to that nature.


Anyways she was told about the yogurt but that was to be used as a douche. How often do you drink it and do you know how much of the good yogut is in it?


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