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I need help from the best

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Hi all I've been reading all the posts looking for help and found some information useful and some I'm not sure. I'll give you my story as concise as possible. My gf of 3.5 years said she needed space..she came back 1.5 days later we got together talked and then we had an argument. During this she said she wasn't sure what she wanted, but again we got back for a week this time.Then I finally had it I lost it, screaming ,begging the whole nine yards. I finally called her and told her i couldn't take anymore it wasn't fair. She agreed and I didn't contact her for a whole day. Lo and behold I get an E-mail saying I probably hate her so she shouldn't contact me and how did your work problem go and so on.

I ignored it but answered the next day with one word answers and left it at that. Then the instant messaging started, I would ignore her and she would message we would talk and I'd be miserable. Then it happened yesterday again just us talking about events and so on. So last night I blocked her screename, and now Iam waiting. I almost called today but I caught myself. Anytime we had talked we spoke of how we were improving as individuals. She has always initiated contact , It usually doesnt take her more than a couple of minutes. If I go no contact now for at least two weeks am I doing the right thing? Its gonna hurt but I want to try. She also told me that self improvement is a good thing and then everything will work out. By the way I made no mention the last two times of our relationship.Please help a guy 24 hours in to no contact Thanks

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I no the NO CONTACT rule is hard.


Im 2 weeks into the NO CONTACT and it does get easier.


I was with my ex girlfriend for 5 years, we split up 5 weeks ago. For the first week I contacted her and pushed her away. It got to the point where she told my to get lost, and she said she was only contacting me bacause she felt sorry for me.


After this I gave her a week to calm down, didnt contact her and let her be. After the first week I broke down, couldnt handle NO CONTACT and so I sent her a txt. She replied within 2mins I was over the moon.


Once I had initiated the contact we spoke every day via email and by the end of the week (Wednesday) we had met up for a chat (As Friends).


I kinda thought things where going well, we had a great time 2gether and I keep strong and didnt show my feelings. At the end of the day I dropped her off and went home.


We continued to email until Friday, during which I asked when we would meet up again. She told me she was going out over the weekend and that we should meet up next week.


Next week came and NO meeting, she contacted a friend of mine at the end of the 3rd week and told them she was moving out of her mums and had a new boyfriend (WTF)


I was devestated, all this in just 3 weeks, things where going so well. I thought we was working on getting back 2gether.


Well I was so wrong, then I decided NO CONTACT for good. I cannot keep being hurt. Why should she get the best of both worlds, me as a great friend and her new boyfriend as a lover.


This really hurt so I cut contact, a week went past (Wk4) and on monday of the 5th week she emailed to see if I was ok. I stayed strong and have not replied to her. Although she has made no further effort to contact me.


Its been 5 and a half weeks since we split up but only 2 complete weeks of no conact.


Im not gonna tell you its easy as its very tempting to send her a txt or email.


Its hard when they dont try to contact you, even if you are doing NO CONTACT.


Part of you wishes they would call or email just so that you can ignore it/ make them feel as bad as you have felt.


At the end of the day its gonna be tough, your ex girlfriend will show her true colours during the NO CONTAct.


If they dont contact, then did they really care ? Did they really love you ? DO they really miss you ?


You cannot make somebody love you, nor miss you. All you can do is give yourself the time and space to heal from the breakup.


If they relize that they have made a mistake and want to sort things out they will be the first person to coming running back. If they dont then you will have moved on and may one day become friends.


Hope this has helped, just try to stay strong and positive. If she comes back she wont want to come back to a wreck, she will want you to be strong.


Good Luck

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