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Approaching women in groups...

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Hi everyone,


I've had a few troubles approaching women when they're in groups and would like your opinions, guys and gals alike. As an example situation there's a girl see everyday in the cafeteria by where I work. She's obviously on coffee break (as am I) with her lady friends. I can tell she notices me when we walk by them almost everyday.


I guess I'm just at a loss for how to handle women in groups, specially outside the bar situation. Any ideas on how to approach this situation...or any other similar one for that matter.





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Maybe start off with a smile and a nod and see how she reacts. If it all seems good, approach her friends and her, not paying special attention to one in particular, and just make small talk to begin with. Don't drag it on for too long because it may get awkward, and then leave after telling them you'll see them around, talk to them later, etc..

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Yeah I agree, except I'm really bad at reading body language. I'm used to just being upfront and asking right off the bat...."i wanted to know...are you single?" Or just talk and see if they are reciprocating. But it seems like I can't use that approach around women in groups. Maybe it's an intimidation thing or something....4 on 1....lol.....any guys thoughts??? keep'em coming.


This is actually a good topic bcuz i'm sure i'm not the only one w/this problem.

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It can be intimidating 4 on 1. The thought that you have to impress 4 girls instead of 1 at the same time, the thought of being rejected in packs, the possibility that you will make a clown of yourself etc.


When i met one of my exes over a year ago, i was a bit tipsy, and un-intimidated by anything. I saw a group of nice girls who looked my age, sitting at the opposite table chatting. For the moment i was alone, and believe it or not, i actually went right up to them (thinking to myself, what am i doing?), smiled and said hi you enjoying it here, and went off to see some other people i knew. That was in effect breaking the ice. 10 minutes later i was back, scrambling a chair to their table, surrounded by 7 girls, talking like a drunk and making them laugh at everything i said. I eventually went and bought them all some more drinks (they obviously gave me the money) and got loads of numbers, and later that year started dating on of them. I was a very happy guy at the end of that night.


As unrealistic and impossible as this sounds for you to do, by simply walking into that cafeteria, getting a coffee, and walking straight to that table and asking if you can join them, you will look very very very very confident, impressive and attractive all in one. I really think you should go for it, sit next to them (trust me not everyone in a group of 4 is going to reject you all at once and the same time) and chat. I mean just chat. Make them laugh, let them talk about themselves, and just listen and add comments.


But of course, its going to take some courage to so that. The alternative is to wait and wait and wait until one day you might see her alone, then all the pressures on you to approach while you've got a chance and make someting out of it.


I know it sounds extreme and unlikely, but believe it or not approaching these girls in a group will make you look confident and sexy. Its the exact impression you want to make, and you will never ever be labelled a loser or reject for doing something like that, infact you will look the opposite. I only wish i'd done it more often.


Good luck

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