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PrObLeMS wIth DoInG tHinGS

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Hey everyone, Zid here...


My girlfriend is telling me she wants to do more than just kiss with me and I dont think im really ready for it to happen..... What should I say to her when she says that kind of stuff? I mean ill kiss and makeout and stuff like that but shes the first girl i have ever really done anything with.







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first of all, congratulations for knowing what you want and not thinking solely with your...erm.. bits and pieces 8). I think you should be honest with her. Maybe saying something like, I'm not ready, or 'I dont think our relationship is ready for this' etc. She mightnt like it, and she might give u a hard time over it, but all in all, she will respect you for standing up for what you want.


good luck

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dude, I don't know what your problem is?! Come one! I mean is it that you think you have a small dick? And even if u do, how small could it be. And if she really likes you she won't even care I promise! Don't worry about all of it, just let it happen, and trust me, you'll be happy it does. PIZZOUT

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Casual Guy, I think you are completely out of line to say that!! If he isn't ready, that's completely fine and normal! Just because Zid is a guy doesn't mean that all he should want is sex, and the fact that you assume it has something to do with is size is also completely unfair. Zid, stick up for yourself and don't do anything you aren't ready for. If this girl really likes you, she won't hold it against you.

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i agree with pologirl! its good you know that you aren't ready & your not just doing it cause you know it will feel good.. just let your gf know the truth. she should respect your feelings. just don't do something your not ready for, like this & don't let anyone pressure you into it or tell you your crazy or something for not wanting to do more right now.

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