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Can someone give me some good pick up lines...

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I find just saying hi and then asking there name works, then immediately afterwards say something wacky to spark there interest... what wacky thing should you say? Use your imagination, just make sure its bizarre and funny and wont make you look like a nutter! Tell em you wrestle hampsters 4 a hobby or summit, you get the idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

lol, pick up lines are lame, I only use them female friends when I am messing around, never on girls I fancy.


With girls I fancy I just talk to them like I would to anyone I am interested in getting to know, I let them know I fancy them with my body language and my eye contact and they will let me know as well, most of the time anyways, some girls are harder to read than others.


Body language and eye contact are very important, more important and effective than having the best pick up lines in the world.

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There are no good pick up lines, they see right through them and have probably heard them all before anyway. I have met more girls in the last two months since mt break up than I ever have.


This past weekend I saw what to me is the most beautiful girl, so beautiful in fact that I coined her unattainable and nicknamed her "Unicorn" because well you know Unicorns are a fable, unnattainable.


But something came over me and I found the will to approach her and I simply said "Hi, I had to come over and at least introduce myself because had I not I would be kicking myself for a long time to come, Hi, my name is XXXX" She responded with her name and whalla, we hit it off wonderfully, talked for 20 minutes and I ended up with her phone number. I will be calling her tonight.


My point is to skip the lines, they are too superficial. Be sincere, they appreciate that and you don't look so fake in doing so.


Check out my thread in Getting Back Together titled "Acceptance and a saddled Unicorn" for all my glorious escapades of late. If you are sincere and mean what you say and say what you mean they will respect you and won't run you off. Girls are easy to approach and talk to as long as you dont come off arrogant.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree that pick up lines dont usually work... however, they can spark a conversation if the girl is willing to "play along"


Also i did use a pick up line i made up myself and it actually worked. This pick up line was something like this-


"Hello there, I just couldnt help but notice that your eyes shine like diamonds in a field of snow"


this amazingly worked and i didnt think it would but seriously this chick had the most amazing eyes i've seen in my life!!!!!

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I have a guy friend who always starts out a conversation w/ a girl he dosen't know by saying hey do you have feet? and then when she says yes he says I have feet too. I guess we have something in common. This may be a little too weird but it actually works most of the time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey...im sry to burst you littel bubble buddy, but ... pick up lines DON'T work. and unless ur looking just to get your freek-on, any girl with sum sense know's a pick up line when she hears one, and then goes and tells her friends how lame u are. and for those girls that wud wanna get freaky with you because of sum lame ass pick up line, has probably been "swayed" by them before, so..yaknow, who knows wut you might get along with ur little booty call, herpes, syphallis, gonorrhoea, or god knows wut...


just a thought pal...but remember...if u r just looking for a little "fun" keep your soldiers to ur self and cover up ur pocket pal.

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