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love her /need her part 3

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asked her and she said she would go out with me. i have no experance with girls or dates need help on conversations and how to act, i want to take her on a date and have it be perfrect. i love this girl and i want her to completely fall for me. need advice plz

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congrats for having the balls to ask her out.... first of all... most of the time a women is just as nervous as you are... so don't be to hard on yourself in that department... as far as conversation.... be genuinly interested in what she likes, and her needs and interests.... try to talk very little about yourself... why? one of the best ways to win friends and influence people is to get them talking about themselves... people love to feel important..... and if you show a GENUINE interest in what she has to say, think or feel, she will feel important and associate that feeling with you.... points scored man.... also compliment her...but don't go all shakespear on her if thats not your style.. maybe when you see her.. say something like "wow... you look incredible tonight...im glad you decided to spend some time with me" .... oh one of the best things... after you've successfully made her fall for you... find out what she is most self consious about... even the most incredibly beautiful women think theres something wrong with them... i think its cosmos fault or something...anyway... compliment her on that so called fault... which is probably not a fault in your eyes... she will appreciate the fact that she is beautiful in your eyes despite her own lack of confidence in that area..... ok sorry... as far as how to act..... well she obviously likes your style or she wouldn't go out with you.... so be yourself.... just not your guy, belching out loud acting like an idiot self.... but if your goofy or funny in some way.... use it... women always like to laugh and have fun... theres a party girl in every women so if you can make her laugh and be her source of fun... points scored man..... take her somewhere interesting where you can talk and do something interesting... bowling... dancing... somewhere where you can show her the fun side of you.... alright i leave the forum open for others to comment....


P.S. read "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by dale carnige... alot of good incite can be gained from this book.

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