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whats wrong?

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I normally have a lot of good things to say (at least I think so), but today I keep starting to reply to posts and it keeps being the worst advice I could ever think of so I don't post anything. I've never felt so bad that I couldn't still be productive. I've had bad times like everyone else, but why does it only really get to me this time. I can't seem to make myself do anything but sit here. I guess none of you are going to be able to say anything constructive since I don't really know what the problem is… I guess you could read my last post link removed and that would give you a bit of an understanding, but I can't figure out what to do.


I guess I'm just not making any since. Sorry.

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i know the feeling i have sat down at the comp myself and knew just what i was going to put and then as soon as it can to submitting it i thought that it was the worse advice on this whole site and so i have deleted. i dont even know why i am replying to yours really, maybe just to let you know that i have been through it too.


~LJ =;

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Its ok. Sometimes we just go through a dry spell and the advice doesn't come as easily as it used to. I'm in a period like that myself. Just due to some things going on in my life and such - I just don't have the insight now that I used to. It will pass. Just take a break for a bit and lurk for a little while.



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Must be the moon or something!! lol


At the moment I feel like giving up on ever finding love again. I believe in being myself.....but it seems to scare men away. Should I 'act' cool...or this or that?? What would that make me? A fake??....or is it true that men prefer B**CH*S???


I am totally perplexed ....and can't be of much help either at the moment.


good luck and better times to all!! Can't always be downhill.....LOL

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but anyway hey there nifty, dont worry about it honestly, ive had people wonder why ive gone down hill quite a lot of times, trust me it happens to the most of us, we cant always be on par, its a part of life. honest. we all go through it, avmans right.


sometimes i have like different sections im usually good in responding to so i attempt to do those instead, but its frustrating i know when you start to reply but then think the info or advice isnt good enough. i hate it, and i find it more and more difficult to reply to complex posts if that makes any sense. its like i want to be so true in what i say but have to sugar coat it and basically not say what i mean.


everything confusing, and trust me you not alone *smiles*



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