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I Really NEED Advice...Please Help

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Here's the drill so far. There's this girl which I have really liked for a while and we haven't talked or anything until late November when she added me to her msn messenger, she must've gotten my e-mail address from one of my friends.


We chat all the time online and we send e-mails back and forth like everyday but when I see her at school I can't start up a conversation with her it isn't like on msn at all. I just have a lot of trouble with an ice breaker or something.


She knows how I feel about her but she as a boyfriend who I hate so I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to get her more interested in me more then a friend? I need help on how to start an conversation with her?

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for starters welcome to the board *waves*


right, i know this is going to sound a little alwful. but could you just take a think as to how she feels about her boyfriend, how well they get on, her feelings towards him in relationship to how she would feel to breakup with him.

i mean yeah its great that you have found a girl you are comfortable with and admire, but liking her so much, could you see her loosing something she liked so much? (assuming she is very fond of her boyfriend)!

and after that would you want to be the rebounder?


still on regards to your conversation, i wouldnt say you need an ice breaker you already talk alot whilst online, maybe crack a joke or have an important conversation the night before and then bring it up or finish the next day if thats easier for you.

just dont bother getting in too deep because you dont want everyone getting hurt.


good luck


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By the way I have thought about how she fells toward her boyfriend multiple times and if I felt that she really liked him I would move on but that's the thing...When they are in the same room they won't be together talking but will be on different sides of the room and they rarely speak to each other when there's people around.


So honestly I don't know what to think, I actually feel that I have a better connection with her then he does but I am not really good at reading a girls signals so I could be mistaken.

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Don't anybody have any idea's or tips which would get her to like me more?


Plus I would like to had that whenever I go up to her and talk she always smiles at me and makes good eye contact and it seems she always end's up at where ever I'm going to be.

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