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Recently I have met this guy that I am really into. He has been calling me and we have hung out and watched movies and hung out at the bar a few times also. The thing that is bothering me is that he is sooo inconsistent with his actions. One minute he is calling me and then the next he just kind of backs off. He has made comments about us dating and seeing each other. All of these mixed signs are really confusing me. When we are out there are always a ton of girls approaching him because he is very good looking and popular. It doesn't bother me because they seem to come to him and he is just nice and polite and doesn't do much but talk to them. I don't know where anything stands. I don't fee comfortable asking him because it is so on again off again. Things have not gotten sexual and he doesn't push anything on me so that is cool. What is going on here..HELP!

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he might not know where he stands with you, i would tell him how you feel and give him a chance to tell you how he feels.

if you want it to go further after what he has said and you both feel the same about each other then make a suggestion of going out properly.


hope this helps

~LJ =;

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