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a voluntary virgin?!?!

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to continue with my "quest" to see if my best friend is bi or sumthing (cuz i am in love with him) i have a question.....


he calls himself a voluntary vigin because he has had the opportunity to have sex a few times but chose not to. (he has fingered a girl before and has received a blowjob). i mean he always talks about sex and he has a lot of porn, so i wouldnt he want sex if he has condoms and all as well?


i dunno i think its kinda weird that he calls himself a voluntary virgin what do u think..str8? ro bi?

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I don't think being a voluntary virgin has anything to do with someone's sexuality. He's been with girls before and he owns quite a bit of porn (I'm assuming it's naked chick porn since you didn't specify) so why do you suspect that he's bi? If you really wanna know just ASK him. It's not as if it's an insulting question..Actually, some people may think otherwise but hopefully your friend isn't like that. By the way, does your friend happen to know that you're bi/gay? Because if he has a close friend I think he deserves to know, nobody likes it when things are kept from them.

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I think I am going to have to agree with XxXCherryliciousXxX. I don't think his sexual activity, at least that you listed, describes whether or not he is a straight or bi-sexual person. I also don't think that just because you're a "voluntary virgin" means you are also of a declared sexual group. That may just happen to be this persons standards. He might chose to wait until marriage, wait until he's in love, etc. It could be for a hundred different reasons.


As for finding out your friends sexual preference.. I'm not too sure what I would do. That particular person might not feel comfortable disclosing information about that, fearing judgment even from his best of friends. I am not too sure if I can help you out there.. You could try asking, it doesn't hurt, but if he says he is one thing it may not exactly be the truth. Who knows.


Good luck though..

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