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Ahhh, I think I have groupies!

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Kinda weird, and I dont know why, (and I dont really think they are actuall groupies), but recently, a few friends of the opposite sex have been doing weird things around me. They love to poke me, hug me, and pet me. They call me there puppy dog, or there teddy bear, they tell me they just love doing these things to either annoy me or just because its fun for them (one or two of them even jokingly said they loved me, what do I have that makes them do this?). I mean, its not to bad, a little annoying and repetitive, but do any of you have any ideas as to how I should deal with the situation?

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Well it depends if you like the attention or not. If you dont and you want it to stop then just ignore them dont tell them to stop because if you let them know you dont like it they will just do it more. But if they dont get a reaction from you they will probably get bored with it. If you like the attention and want to play around with them poke them back and just be a dork.

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