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A sonnet I wrote for my english class, opinions welcome


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Although I wrote this for my class, it was kinda inspired by a girl I know, and some of you may of heard of as well:


Summer's Day and Winter's Night


Do you wish to know how my heart feels now?

It always feels for you in deep warm ways.

But do you really want to find out how?

Then hear, this is all my heart has to say


To me you're my summer day's rising sun

With your burning light making things brighter

And making my whole day able to run

Because my stress and worries are lighter


But with each sunrise must come a sunset

And when it comes, things become much colder

For with summer's day, winter's night is met

And the dark and cold become much bolder


So if you were to take my summer's light

Then I'd be left in winter's dark cold night

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i like the comparisons and meaning to each line, it was really nice and im guessing the girl would have also took a great compliment from it also.


with the last two lines, if she is to make your summer bright, im assuming shed be with you and you holding her, but if winter is to be such a drastic change isnt that an assumption that the relationship or love wouldnt last so long?


i get a little confused with sonnets.


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