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I think I mite b preganant wot shud I do?


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I think I got pregnant around valentines day and I've been having pregnancy syptomes such as:

sore breasts (mostly under the arms)



I just generally feel pregnant

stomach upsets

I'm not due until next wed but can I do a pregnancy test now because I'm really worried and its getting me down

plz help

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there is not a set date that you take a pregnancy or if you can or cant, but the best thing to do is to take one a week after your meant to be due on (if not on already by then) this seems to giv you more of an accurate answer to wheather or not you are.


you can take one now to keep your mind at rest but i would advise you to take another one, maybe a week to a week and a helf later.


please do not worry too much, i had a friend who was convinced she was pregnant, took two tests at a clinic and she wasnt (and she was convinced due to having a lot of the symptons) sometimes its just the mood of your body and it changing.


did you have unprotected sex? is thats whats worrying you?



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Did you use protection?


Whenever I thought that I was in your situation, I took a test anyway, but usually on the time frame of taking the test, the day you should get your period should be the 'okay' tiem for taking the test.


My other suggestion is, go to a local clinic, tell them your situation, what happened, and that sort of thing ask them what is the best thing to do now. I've done that too, its relieving to hear it from a professional. They know what to do.


and if you're as paranoid as me, believe me i've thought i was many times...but i turned out now. And the best thing to do is, go on the PILL and use protection!!

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