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Sun Sign Dating... just out of interest, would it work?

inu yasha

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Hi everyone,


Just out of interest has anyone gone out with a person based on their sun signs e.g. astrology that sort of things because a friend has suggested it to me. It's kind of weird but i supposed you'd have to get to know a person first wouldn't you? Also would it work, do you think?


Anyone can answer, the more the better so post what you think.




Inu Yasha

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I have never gone out with someone based on their sun sign... But I have tried the relationship compatability report on link removed, just for entertainment... You definetly have to get to know a person first. That's how you determine if their right for you... I don't think the astrology thing works...

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Me neither but it was suggested by a friend so i just thought about posting it to see what other people thought and if anyone had tried, was it any good really. I doubt i'd try it but maybe just for fun, who knows. I haven't been on link removed i'll check it out later, i suppose it's one of those websites where you have to pay to get a report or something, i'll check it out anyway.


Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on the topic please by all means post, im quite intrested.




Inu Yasha

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