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My ex and me were best friends until we started going out.everything was good at first.But,when we broke up we stopped talking to each other for awhile.A year later me and him are in the same class. i decided to put everything behind me and move on. i introduced him to one of my closest friends. Both of them started talking but it didnt bother me. Then a few weeks later she tells me that she likes him and that she wanted me to hook them up. I hesitated at first but, i decided to anyway. when i was talking ta him i found out dat he liked her too. And he sed ANd i quote"I like her alot...i think we might populate the earth together".when he said that i dont know what happened. I started ignoring him and my friend. and lately i've been treating them really bad. i dont like acting this way but i cant help it. i dont know y.if u have a suggestion please respond.


+learn like u will live f0rever, live like u would die t0m0r0+

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My exboyfriend and i recently broke up about 2 months ago because of a fight that we had ( it was my fault). Then about a week later he called me back and wanted to reconcile, I told him that I loved him but I wasn't sure if we were right for each other...and that I wanted some time to make sure that we were. So I had been talking to him on the phone and seeing him for about a month ( as friends) .....and he kept asking about us getting back together, but I insisted that I needed more time. I love him very much....and the reason why I was delaying getting back together is because I have a problem in which I dont like to get close to people because I am afraid of getting hurt ( I have broken up with him several times during the relationship over stupid things because of this). He had stopped asking me about getting back together about 2 weeks ago. And yesterday I finally got the courage to tell him that I love him and want to be with him...its just that I was scared. I asked him if he wanted to get back together and he said, "I don't know"! He still seems interested, so I didn't understand what this meant. I am wondering if I should just back off ( stop talking to him for a while) or i don't know what I am supposed to do now. DO u think he has given up on me? What should I do?

PLEASE give me some helpful advice.....


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i understand where ur coming from.when me and my ex broke up a few days later he wanted to get bak together.but. i was still hurting at the time and i wanted to take a break just like u.needing some time was a good idea.because u get to think about ur ralationship and is it really worth it.

i think its brave of u to tell him u love him and u want to be with him. I dont he has given up on you. he's probably just having some doubts like u did. if he really loves you he'll come bak to u.i also think u should keep talking to him. so he knows ur there waiting for him. g0oD lUcK!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"If you love something let it go, If it comes back to you it's yours, If it doesn`t, it never was."

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