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Not sure, if anything is there.......

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Ok here is a little back ground on my situation. I have a couple of close friends, which mean the world to me. However, me and my guy friend are pretty close. He is closer to me than anyone else in the group. He is sweet and caring guy and shows it. We have made out on one occasion and we even talked about it afterwards. He use to flirt with me a lot more than what he has done in the past week. He has shown me more attention than our other friends and he will let me know that he missed me. Not coming out and saying it but in a round about way. Everything was fine until a few days ago. He seems distant when there are people around but when we get a chance to e-mail or talk one on one, he is his usual self. I have talked to a couple of my friends and they think that maybe he is just acting that way around people, so they don't know that he likes me. If he shows more attention to me than he does other people than that will cause people to talk. He likes to keep his personal things private and I can see where they are coming from. I guess I just need to know what are some signs to look for coming from him, if he really cares for and likes me? I plan on talking to him about this but finding the right time is sometimes very hard. In the meantime, I would like to get some opinions of this.

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I Think your friends might be right, maybe he does like you more then a friend but he just wants to keep that on the downlow. possible that he is shy and scared of being rejected if he comes out and tells you how he feels?

Anything is possible.. The right thing to do would be to just talk with him about it. Only way anything is going to get out in the open if he does have feelings for you.

Best of Luck.


-Mythical Suicide-

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Libra, a woman who weighs her options.


I would and will always agree that conversation is the best couse of action.


I think his change in action towards you when around others does in fact say something. The tricky part is, you are trying to guess those actions...and no matter how you weigh it, you will never know until you ask.

Now timing is also an issue. If you ask him how he feels, it may be too soon and he may freak a bit. I would say as long as you are not being used in anyway..just let it flow.



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