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Today i bleached my darker hair to get it lighter and before i washed it out everything was fine until later my hair turned really orange! i went to the store to get another hair dye color but when i put it in it made my hair turn a lighter yellow and orange color! i look freaky. i dont know what to do, i have to hide my head wiith a cap because its so ugly! what can i do to get it back to normal? i dont want to keep dying it because it may cause even more damage. please if you have any tips, tell me! i need to fix this as soon as possible. i dont want to wear a wig.

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Rite aide has good semi-permanent black hair dye that I am sure would fix it...then after a couple months of black hair, you can go to a good salon that will help you get back to natural color by stripping your hair....that's what I did to get rid of horrid roots.


It's damaging to your hair, but bleaching it yourself was the worst thing you could do hun sorry

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Hey TreeHouse, I did the EXACT same thing years ago! I was so horrified when I first saw what happened to my hair! It was a total accident. I just meant to lighten it up and I ended up a carrot top. You might want to give it a few days though because I got so many compliments that I learned to love it and just did it again the other day on purpose this time. I actually missed it for a long time so I re-created the accident and I'm really happy with it.


I honestly was horrified and wanted to HIDE the first day because it wasn't what I meant to do at all...

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I am naturally dark and bleach my hair light blonde. Bleaching hair from dark to light goes through a process of going through different colors and one of them unfortunately is the yucky orange color you're experiencing.


I find even the professional hair dressers have some difficulty in removing this orange to get a 'cooler' shade of blonde.


The best thing i can recommend is getting yourself into a professional hair dresser, they may have to bleach it further and then tone it down a little. It will help get rid of some of the orange but not all. It's a process that takes time.


I've been through this as ive been bleaching my hair for over 11 years!

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well i didnt have to go to a salon, last night i decided to try one more time and dyed my hair chestnut brown with blonde highlights, actually it came out like that on its own, i think it looks cute! i'm going to go a little darker next time but overall i like this color better. no more hats!..lol

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