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Opinions needed, just met her


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Hey theres a girl i like and we met two days ago, through friends, we talked on msn and I asked her to hang out with me, it was good, and we ended up going to the mall, then ia sked her if she wants dinner and she said yeah, so we ate at a restaurant. that was good. We then went to hang out with friends, and had fun it was good. the next day I talked to her for 52 min at 3 am, she got home and she said i can call her,cuz i know shes awake.


she did meet up with me the first day i asked her to hang out alone.. and she barely knows me


I only had on hour of sleep, and i'll admit I was gettin krazy , and i kept texing her... She was texting . I also called her yesterday andwe talked for a bit, but then i kept calling her and every time she text me i'd call her or ask he to call me. She was replyinmg but slowly at that point and not much at all. She and i had a connectyion. Im worroed i wasnt too obsessive yesterday. I just met her 3 days ago and so far so good, any way to fix this?

we text a lot but I think i might have over done it yesterday. I dont want to come of as desparate, and if i did, can i fix it?


Or maybe im over reacting, but I think i over did it a bit, and prior to that i kept asking her to hang out so i gotta stop

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I agree with kinightNshiningarmour, you need to take a step back.....retain some mystery and not appear as eager...

Not that I think there is anything wrong in calling/texting a lot, because someone who is really 'into' you, won't mind that you are calling/texting regular. But too much can feel suffocating. Not only that, but you may find yourself running out of things to talk about.


I know i couldnt have messed it up that bad, but I wont do that again. you think everything will be ok? I havent texted her today...


If she's really interested, yes things will be fine. Girls like a guy to show interest.....

Good that you havn't texted her today, but ensure that you drop her a text/call tomorrow to avoid giving her 'mixed' messages. It's important to keep up a consistant and regular contact, lets her know you are very much still interested.....


Else we may see her posting at Enotalone, 'He blows HOT, then goes Cold'.....LOL

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Alright so I finally texted her....

I said "hey wahts up at like 10am.." I was at work.

she replied like 11 hours later said ///


"hey not much, just chilling. My god u txt me so early in the morning"


I replied " lol i had work early in the morning, lost track of time. whats up?


she said not much and she named ppl shes chillin with, (mutual friends)


i said Oh cool, im just watching a movie got a 2 days off, so relaxing.


she replied right away "nice."


... thats it

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