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Would never have an orgasm!

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This guy that i used to be with over the summer was.......well.....defiantly working it down there!! I mean he would put it on me and make me wanna scream!!!! But for some reason, he would never have an orgasm. NO facial expressions, no moans no nothing. I did everything u could possibly imagine but he just wasnt having it. He said i was good but he just never had one before. So we aren't together anymore but i want to know what should i do if i ever come accross a guy like that again???

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A man that can't orgasm, hmmm has anyone mentioned he may be sterile, (meaning he can't produce sperm) not sure if that eliminates the feeling of ejaculation, a sort of RELEASE


In the Words of R&B Artist.. 50 Cent, He has the "Magic Stick" whaaa whaaaa!


Download/buy the song if your not sure what that means above.

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