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guilt is the worst feeling

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Hey people, if you're in a relationship and you know you like the person alot, but you just feel they're not right for you.....is that just your mind playing with you?


I had this feeling all throughout my relationship, but i also knew i liked this person, no denying it. Eventually it overwhelmed me, and I broke things off.


I miss her so much, but it was just some things about her that made me not want to be with her. Now i feel so guilty because I hurt someone who I know cared for me alot. Even the friendship thing didn't work out. What would you guys do?


I knew that i wanted out of the relationship, but when i lost a friend too and the guilty feeling, makes me feel like i owe her an apology, but really she wasn't cool either.

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Welll I've recently split with someone who gave me that bad feeling whenever I was with them. Sometimes, in fact all the time you really have to trust your gut instincts. Even psychologists believe this. If something isn't right your subconscious mind will tell you.


You shouldn't feel guilty, you did the right thing. This feeling would only grow in time and destroy your relationship no matter what.


If you feel guilty about ending the relationship You could always send her a letter, telling her that your sorry, yet at the same time make it clear that your not trying to weasel your way back into her life. Still though, you would be doing this more for yourself than for her and that may not be a fair thing to do.

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