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what to talk to girls about

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Hey Jimma....I'm only a few years older than you and my boyfriend has the same problem..Some females love to talk about themselves...Ask her what she plans to do after she graduates high school...or ask her about her favorite things like...her favorite movie..or color..or other things like that. Find out what things you guys have in common.....you know stuff like that.

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hey, i'm girl, and i used to haev the same prob... only with guys, duh


i say that you should approach them (if its a particular person) while they are with a group with at least one other person (of your same gender or not) that you know pretty well. Group conversationize for awhile and then you'll have more stuff to talk about if you ever feel like talkign to just her.


But, uh, it wouldn't be very intelligent to try and do the one-on-one talking if you have nothign to talk about. Just a hint.

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well just start to talk to them about whatever you know you have in common. lets say you have a class together or you play the same sport, those things are easy to talk about. just make sure you have some questions to ask her about whatever subject you choose so you dont have any awkward silences. i dont think it would be wise to ask them what thier favorite color is or something like that because it doesnt lead anywhere, theres nothing to branch off of your favorite color. choose something to talk about that you both have in common and that you think will lead to another subject possibly. maybe the first few times all you will talk about is the class you share but as time goes on you will talk about more things you have in common.

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All good points. Also find a common ground, ask them if they have any siblings, activities(like soccer, snowboard, or whatever type of person), ask about music, write out a list of things you could talk to them about, then have questions that branch off of them.

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