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ok PLEASE let me know if i'm over exagerating...my bf is the type of guy who has many girl friends...some who are very close to him and he tells a lot of private things to because he says they've been best friends since high school. He's one of those guys girl's feel comfortable talking to. Now, I'm really not a jealous person and have a lot of confidence so this doesn't bother me at all...but what does bother me, is that sometimes he'll tell me how they're really hot and describe how nice they're bodies are. I hate it when he says stuff like this to my face, it's annoying and a big turn off. He's says a lot of guys think other girls are hot but don't say anything, but he's just being honest...well isn't there a limit to honesty??? I REALLY hate it and whenever he sees it's bugging me he takes it further...like he'll say something like: guess who's coming over later? ...LINDA...you know just to fool around with my head. How do i make him stop doing that??????

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Oh yeah, there's a limit to honesty. There's no problem with him having these girls as friends - but if he wants you to accept that, he can't throw sex or sexual comments into the equation! His friends should not be a means for him to see if you'll be jealous and possessive, the mind games need to stop, you don't need to tolerate being played like this. I'd just tell him flat out "I have no problem with accepting some of your close friends are girls - but you can't expect me to enjoy hearing about their sexual appeal to you and keep that acceptance - unless you enjoy upsetting and hurting me, you'll stop this, because it has no place in a good relationship." If he persists, sorry, but I'd seriously reconsider this relationship, this is something that could really get emotionally sadistic to you. Nobody has the right to hurt you to make themselves feel better, period. And deliberately provoking insecurity is pain, make no mistake.

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Seems like he wants the attention from you, whenever he needs it he brings up a girl "friend" of his...just to see your reaction, Try this next time he brings up a girl.. Change the subject act like you never heard it...





Him: "Linda is coming over"


You: "God i hate homework"




"I think My car needs an Oil change"


Just something totally off the wall, (you can think of some good ones I'm sure)


If he says something like "did you hear what i said" say back "no I'm looking at this really Cute picture of this guy with no cloths on, what did you say again"


I think that will give him an idea that you know what he is trying too do, and he might stop. "Fight Fire with Fire"




Really what your doing is giving him a validation of your love for him... Us guys sometimes purposely try to make other girls jealous, especially the girls that we know are self conscious just to see how they react.....Really he likes to see you jealous, It's his way of knowing your still into him.. By You Unconsciously showing your feelings for him, (being upset, angry, mad, jealous) because he brings up these girls.. And i can't say why he does this to you, Nor can i give you an answer to prevent it from happening, all i can say is Ignore it...that is your best bet, eventually he will stop..

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