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I am not having dreams.

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Hi ya'll , even though this is an online relationship (and I know not all look upon these as good things) my g/f has hinted several times that she has had dreams about me, and although I love her very much, I do not have them about her. I have dreams that I remember sometimes but they are more about the troubles throughout the day, or the things that have worried me. Is this just a wonder of the dream world or is there something I'm missing?



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hey!...ok your gf having dreams about u might mean that she´s doubting about soemthing...usually when you have a dream its because through out the day u asked yourself a question with unconsiously about soemthing...say if u asked yourself.." why are clouds white" most likely u will dream about clouds....and teh fact that u dont dream about her means nothing bad, in fact it means good things, it means u have no doubts about her and that u r totally secure with your relationship, talk about her dreams with her...and ask her if she has doubted about soemthing....and this might be a myth but a palm reader told me that if a person dreams about kissing a person ON THE LIPS then that means separation....probbaly just a myth..but its something to keep in mind...hope i helped bye!

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well she had a dream the first night after I asked her out. She said that we were in a pool and she was at the other end and she saw me, but when she swam to me, I was gone. Lets not try to tell me what this dream means, because it's impossible to tell, but after the first day?? I don't know- but THANK YOU on the help with ME and MY deams, it makes sense now- Thank you!

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i think i know wut her dream about the pool means...maybe ask her if she had liked you for a long time before...because if she did then her dream makes sense....because it symbolizes how she wanted to get to you but she couldnt, and instead you asked her out..meaning you got to her first...am i kinda making sense?...the otehr thing it might mean...its kind of a bad thing but ill tell u anyway...it might mean a slight separation, you FROM her....because maybe in the end she´ll end up loving you and you´ll leave her....and she´ll be "swimming" to you but when she gets there, you wont be there....so ALWAYS LOVE HER, to try and avoid that awful situation ok? and always talk to her dont get in fights...fights never solve things, TALKING DOES,


3 things needed in a relationship: comunication, honesty and trust!!!

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