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My girlfriend and I of two and a half years got back together one week before i graduated college. I took her back after she destroyed my heart, she literally begged me. Now, we are long distance. Well, she is not doing a very good job of keeping me. I desperately do not want to get hurt again. She says that she will call and then never does, three days straight. She knows that this bothers me. She then uses a lame excuse such as, "Oh i didn't want to bother you." BS. I told u to call me back.

Well, i do not know how to handle this. I do not want to get hurt again. And i don't wanna waste my time with this nonsense.

I have a hard time trusting her, but still love her so much.

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Hmm, if you have trouble trusting her, that is a sure sign for you to end the relationship. It may not be something you want to hear, but it looks like you're setting yourself up for more pain. The basic elements to a relationship are trust and communication, and if neither are truly possible, then it's doomed. I would recommend you try and get out while you can, certainly before you're hurt.

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I totally agree with Froda Baggins, If she isnts calling you at least once day then to me she isnt internet anymore. OR maybe she really doesnt want to bother you. I know I how it is...I like this guy Greg he told me he would call me and never does when i called he seem happy. It was weird. He never told me why he didnt call me back but here like 4 months later we dont even talk on hte phone....

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  • 2 weeks later...
If she isnts calling you at least once day then to me she isnt internet anymore.


Okay, I was just reading that, and wanted to point out that's not always true - at least not for guys... It's always good to give your partner some space, maybe calling about 3 times a week or so. If possible, try organising a meeting place for the both of you. Usually calling too much, or repeativly leaving messages makes you seem really needy.


Anyway, that being said, like Frodo said: trust and communication is the key for a good relationship. Personally, I would think it's time to burn what relationship you have left with her...

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