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What do I make of all this?


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Ok everyone bear with me for I got alot to say and away we go!!


I've mentioned in a previous post about not being able to find a girl and what not, well I've been friends with this one girl in my volunteer group for a while now..we always talk on the phone the day before our meetings cause I gotta and remind people about things well we always end up talking longer than I do with others we usually talk about school or the volunteer group stuff thats going on..I've caught her looking in my direction a few times and stuff..she smiles at me and laughs at funny stuff I say and whatnot..I always walk with her to her car after the meetings and talk to her some more..well I was going to get the nerve up to ask her out but I found out the other day she was dating somebody.thats just how I heard her say it..not bf/gf just dating..(she was talking to somebody about it I didn't go up and ask her out myself) So needless to say I'm am disappointed cause I liked her and glad I escaped with my dignity and knowing I didn't make a fool out of myself asking her. So anyway she calls me up the other day when I was going to class and starts talking about why she wasn't at the meeting..I was told she had someting come up and she ended up telling me what happened and I listened to her and everything..well my question is this..What should I make of it if she continues to keep smiling at me and stuff and talking to me? I'm figuring I should just be a friend or is she thinking more even though she's supposedly dating someone? Thanks for reading this sorry it's kinda long

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heya adam,

sorry to hear your having a problem ... well as you heard .. she not bf/gf with this guy .. so that means she's avaliable ... maby you could also date her if you want to .... sorry im from the uk so im not quite sure what dating means .. i assume its like seeing someone .. your together but not? but either way just keep talking to her as you usually do ... but maby show her your a little more interested in her ... show her you have feelings for her (give her little hints ) and she will then make it clear to you how she feels about you ! or you could just do it the easy way and ask her straight out ! .. either way ... good luck!

Hope this was some help

Mrsmalakian x

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ok but what would be some ways I can hint to her how I feel towards her shoud I flirt with her more or what?...I'm shy and don't want to come right out and say it and I'd like to be able to leave without making a fool out of myself should all of this go south. Anyone? Anyone?

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just wondering if anyone else hear has any other advice they could give me..I two-way'd her the other night on her phone but she never answered so I didn't try back later at all I figured if she wants to talk to me she would have answered. Anyone have any more advice for me?

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Not nearly as long as some of the others I've read...


Heh... she's SMILING at you?? I personally would take that as a very good sign. Giggling, too. This obviously means she enjoys your company. Whether or not this will go further than that remains to be seen.


Now, as you pointed out, she DID say she was dating someone. Try and steer your next conversation in that direction. "How are things with you and.... uh.... oh, shoot, whats-his-name?" Get the lowdown. Maybe it's just some dipstick who never really had a chance. Maybe she's just biding her time until Mr. Right swoops in on his white horse. Maybe she's trying to make you jealous!!!


Don't dive in head first. Take it slow, test the water. If the pool looks just right, stick a toe in there and.... uh... okay, this is going in a weird direction now.

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thanks thats some fairly good advice you gave me mac..she has my two way number in her phone and she'll call me up..like today I'm at a traffic light headed to go to class and my phone started beeping and it was her so I guess like you said just take it slow..thanks atleast SOMEONE around here cares to listen a little more to me though I'm very grateful to those who viewed and replied earlier don't get me wrong!

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