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gf very shy, cant get close to her like we did when friends.

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hi, been really good friends with my mates sister for years and over the past few months we realized how well we both get on to together as more than friends.

told my mate who was a bit funny bout it at first but said hed rather me, someone he can trust than a weirdo, so was cool bout it.

anyway before me and this girl were always cuddling flirting and messing about so looked like it would work really well. but as soon as we agree were going to start something she goes really shy and always looks so nervouse bout when to touch me or get close and she seems so distant when we do.it was really weird never had a girl like this before, so we decided we would cool it off for a while and build it up into something more seroiuse. i told her exactly how much i like her and she says the same but ive kissed her once in two months and dont no how to get her to loosen up, i no if i dont soon i will loose her and i think ive really found something special at the mo? sorry if bit long but would really appreciate somehelp

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Communication between both of you is what you need more of, you have to talk with her about this, other wise it just going to destroy your confidence even more, if she is Shy than you have to ensure her that there is nothing to be afraid of, it's just something couples do, try this...


tell her that she is someone special to you, look her in her eyes, get in close , tell her that you have been wanting to kiss her, but your not sure how, than softly say "Teach Me" and see what happens.


Worked For Me...!!!

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Make it really clear to her that you won't care at all if she makes a fool of herself. Joke around with her alot, treat her like your best friend so she feels really comfortable around you and can start to really open up to you. I hope everything works out for you two.

Best o' luck.

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Too bad this message board is censored, or I could tell everyone exactly what fear REALLY sucks.


Okay, so there's fear that you might ruin the existing relationship. Tell her you're still friends, and she isn't cool with going further than that, then forget about it. Just be her friend and be happy with that. If something is gonna happen, it will.


In the meantime, throw your arm around her neck next time you go to the movies. Keep being "friendly."

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