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Crossroads: Confidence vs Bad Luck vs Mixed Signals


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As you can tell by the title, I've encountered a crossroad on what to do while pursuing a girl I like. One side of my brain (confidence) says go for it and hope she says yes. The other side (Cautious, memory of bad luck asking girls out) says to wait a little longer. I only want to ask her out when I know there's a good chance she'll say yes. I asked her out 2 months ago (she said no), but we've gotten to know each other better. We get along, but aren't too "buddy-like". She's also giving me really mixed signals, but none too good and none too bad-it's 50/50. Her very close friend also says yes sometimes and no other times on if she likes me. I don't want to tell her I "like" her b4 I ask her out. WHAT DO I DO???


P.S - A little backround on our relationship now:


GOOD: A LOT of eye contact, see her a bit after school b/c of extracirriclar activity, she doesn't seem to flinch when I sorta "five" her (except we hold it a second or two longer) or when I touch her arm/shoulder when passing through the hallways.


BAD: That "No" from two months ago, because she liked one of two guys who is are huge flirts and already has gf's (don't know if she still likes them), she hasn't made it obvious she "likes" me if she even does a little, her best friends probably know I "like her (the problem is that I didn't tell them).


The MIXED: Her older brother, who's supposed to be my "inside source" says two different stories, no one else really knows if she likes me or not..

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Well these things don't just happen by themselves. You know there is an old saying "For every Yes you will get 10 No's" Rejection is part of the game. Don't be afraid of it understand that it will just make you tougher and in the end a stronger person.


I say if you feel that you have have an opportunity go for it. What's the worst that is going to happen? She says no. There, that isn't so bad is it? Your life isn't over, the world won't come crashing down on you.

Good luck with this, we will be here for you.

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i think if you like her you should go for it and just find out what she thinks about it, girls usually respond better when you act like you don't think you're going to fall on your face though, so just play it cool and be yourself. if she likes you thats great, if she doesn't hey her loss.

good luck to you,

love Qtpie87

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