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Stop Freaking Out!

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My ex and I are back together again. That was made official this past weekend when I went to see him. He seemed so happy that we were together again. He told me though in order for us to work out that I would have to not freak out at things because that scares him.


Sometimes I get scared and freak out when things are looking bad and stuff. I also was talking like we weren't going to make it because I am scared we aren't. Do I just need to be more confident and talk like we are going to make it? Also when I need to vent should I just calmly talk to him about it instead of getting hysterical or all upset.


I want this to work out this time and I want to be with him forever. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do?

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that happened in my last relationship. i think that you should calm down and just talk to him. i was like that and now i realize that i had nothing to freak out about. at the time it seems so horrible and just like you are so mad, but a day later when you have cooled off it seems so dumb. really next time this happened i would take some self time and just think about it. it seems so bad and you'll think you need to be mad and you wont get over it, but trust me you most likely will and in the end you will be glad that you cooded off and then talked to him instead of flipping out.

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i totally agree ! talking about a situation is the best thing you can do .. and remember people say a lot of stuff that they dont mean when they're mad ... i dont mean to sound mean ... but mabye try some anger management .. or just something calming like yogo*laughs* ... if u want to prove to this guy that you want to stay with him forever .. show him that your trying to do something about your problem !


Hope this was of some help



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