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Hi Su(selfish?)


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I know that she's in a better place

where there is no abuse

outside of this world

I want to find the fear for me

the chance to talk to her

the chance to tell her

that everything here

is worse without her

and just like her

my will to be

died with her

I want to conversate

that everything

turns out bad

that I would reach for her

given the oppurtunity

I know that she feels better

over there

where there is no torture

is it too impulsive?

to use fear?

to get to the unknown?

to feel her beside me

and to tell her

that everything is worse

and along with her

my hope also died

I want to embrace her

and that everything would be the same

my life is so meloncholic

that it seems never to move on

it would be so nice

to remember

I should remember

and feel

that it's best for the best

not to believe in love

the way I do

I should hate her

for leaving me like this

but it isnt my choice

I'm a simple lover

a bit crazy

but I'm learning

my lesson

that all here is worse

that along with her

my youth died

I would love to see her

and whisper to her

that though I miss her

my life goes on



I miss u Su.

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