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From pschologist to psychiatrist

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So I am going to a psychologist to help me get over my little traumatic event in my life. I was referred to a psychiatrist. I was wondering what should I expect to be different when I go see the psychiatrist as opposed to the psychologist. Is it like going to a reguar doctor where they just listen to the symptoms and send you on your way or is it like a psychologist visit where you are on the clock and you talk about your problems.

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Hi. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor and, unlike a psychologist, he/she can prescribe and monitor medication in addition to providing therapy. This site should help explain more: link removed


My guess is that your psychologist is sending you to the psychiatrist to discuss medication and for some clinical assessments/tests, but you will probably continue the talk therapy with your psychologist.

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It will probably be a visit where you discuss symptoms and then perhaps take a psychological test or two (either interview or written) which will help confirm your diagnosis- then based on that, perhaps a discussion about medication, medical history.


When your psychologust reffered you- did he/she seem to imply that your care would be handed over to the psychiatrist completely, or did the psychologist book another appointment with you for a therapy session after that?

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There are a few big differences between psychologist and psychiatrist. The main one being medication.


A psychiatrist has a license to prescribe medication, while a psychologist does not.


Both are considered doctors and both will talk to you about your problems.


Psychiatrist generally know a lot more about the medication aspect of treating a mental illness, rather than about the cognitive or behavioral therapy that helps too. Psychologist try to help treat patients by using non-medicinal techniques such as reverse psychology and talk therapy.


It's good to have both doctors, but if it is costing you, you should look into finding a psychiatrist who specializes in counseling. That way you don't have to go back and forth for prescriptions.


I am currently seeking help through a psychiatrist. We also have talk sessions. He's a good guy.

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Yeah I am going to look into someone who is also into talk therapy. I do not think I am really clicking with the psychologist I have. It seems like every session is the exact same thing (like he forgets what happened the session before) and he is too busy to give the required personal attention.

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It seems like every session is the exact same thing (like he forgets what happened the session before) and he is too busy to give the required personal attention.


That's not good. He should be taking notes so that you can pick up where you left off...instead of re-explaining things at each session.


I agree that finding a pyschiatrist that also provides talk therapy is a good idea because it saves time and money. You can get all of your treatment in one place and if you're not clicking with your current psychologist there's no better time to switch than now.

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I have seen both and yes, the psychiatrist will make evaluations about medication but will also talk to you about the issues in your life. If things work out right, you should feel positive about both experiences.


Due to the expense of psychiatrists (being doctors and all), very few use them as their main psychotherapy resource but more as a supplemental.


You will need to have regular visits with a psychiatrist if you are on medication, to make sure you are still doing well with it.

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