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I am sick of everyone

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i am sick of everyone. i am still in love with my ex and he doesn't care. I'm not good enough for my mom. i have like five friends including my ex whom i never really get to see (any of them) i just don't see the point. what are we all here for. i used to believe in fate and now it's just a bunch of crap to me. i also kinda believed that we are all here to learn one thing and understand it and until we do we will be here, in this hell hole. i think that if that is true that i am to learn how to be all alone and lose the people i love the most. i lost one of my best buds in a car accident and now i lost my boyfriend( not to death he just hates me) i think i was sent here to learn what pain is and learn that there really isn't anything that can fix it and non of that time will fix it BS either. i thought about making my ex kinda jealous and see if that would bring him back. and for a while i thought i liked his best friend, but i can't have anyone i love. everyone thinks (my ex) that i am just throwing a huge pitty party, but how is it a pitty party if it is really how i feel? it all i don't even know what i am taling about or how to say it or even what to do. there is nothing that can make me feel better. 0X

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WHOAAAA, calm down take a deep breath and go out side, and scream to the top of your lungs until you get it all out, then pull yourself together, and pick yourself up. Your upset now and thats normal, all of us here have felt like this, all of us have lost it. I even had the nerve at one time to tell the moderators off, Yes I admit it I had a brain fart and started acting retarded. I came to my senses though and now i'm back to being Sweetypie. Your mother may be dealing with her own issues right now and may not even realise or be of right mind to see that she is taking things out on you. I know this hurts you and makes you feel all useless. Hey weve all been there, that's why this forum is here to help you. Tell me more in detail if you could what you feel is the real issue here, but first please go out side and let it out, or grab a pillow put it over your mouth and scream into it. This works for me.

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Take a deep breath and go for a walk try to clear your mind and calm down. You will get over him some day but give it time. It hurts when your parents yell at you and tell you that you cant do a thing. Well just let it go in one ear and out the outher. I hope you feel better soon.

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hey QTpie87.

id like to ask how your feeling today?


as for what you put about the world and having a role or route for us all to take in which we learn something then i believe that you are right in saying that. but you did comment that once we have learnt this role we are taken from the earth, you believe that your role is to feel sad, hatred or evil if you feel this already with your theory then 'god' or who ever everyone and yourself believe in would have taken you away by now.


you are obviously here for a different purpose!


look im sorry that you feel that you arent good enough for your mum or she feels like you arent, but i have experianced that also, not with my mum but with the world itself. i believed and t date still believe that i am not good enough for the people i have in my life, good enough to anyone, or what is to come of me.

but like you i need to overcome this feeling. we are worth it, we will gain from thius, and we will understand the meaning of us being put here.


jelousy. man ive tried that one, i started of doing it through spite unlike you for love, but then it seemed that doing that was pushing away someone i loved. forget that idea if you still have it, because if you think now he isnt too close to you, he wont be afterwards.


could it be that you need a fresh start in life? i mean obviously maintain your friends at the moment, but find others also?

sometimes i try to start my life over as much possible and change the courses of things, i know i cant change the past but i have in some ways changed what is to come.


how do you feel about doing that?


if you want to talk then feel free to contact me. i hope you feel better soon, and im sorry to hear of this downfall in your life at the moment.


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