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Meeting People


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but hopefully I'll get some advice.


I moved here about three years ago for my job. I'm originally from a bigger city in another state and now I live in a small, rural town where there's nothing to do. I've been doing well enough but over the last few months I've really started missing my social life. There's nothing to do around here that interests me and I don't really feel like I fit in with the people around here which makes things tough. I do eventually planning on moving to a bigger city but chances are I'll be here for one more year before that's possible. I do live about an hour from a bigger city and get there from time to time but usually because I have things to do there.


I'd like to make new friends but I'm not sure how. I've read advice from others about joining community groups, the gym, things like that but it's hard for me to find a group I can get involved with right now, especially being so far from the city. I don't mind going places by myself like coffee shops, restaurants, etc., but I'm not one to just walk up to someone and introduce myself. But at the same time, I don't have a group or really anyone to go with to help introduce me to people.


It's not that I'm totally alone and have no one. I have two or three friends I've made here but one of them is a work friend that doesn't live around here and one is older than I am with kids. What I really want is to get to know people my own age. I have friends from back home too but they're 1000 miles away.


I guess I'm just getting to the point where I'm realizing again that summer is right around the corner and I'm not looking forward to being bored the majority of the time and being at home day after day, night after night again. ](*,)

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