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Oral Sex


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I have a few questions. First of all if u talk to a guy about oral sex, and he says things like.....i havent had oral in so long i need it, ive never been wit someone who could do stuff like that b4, and u dont understand i really need it. Are these hints that he would like u to give him oral sex?


Second how do i give a blow job? Detail please.


Third how do i give a good hand job? Also detail. lol


And finally what do u do wen he cums?

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Well you give much details into which context he said it. If you 2 are good friends then he might just feel comfortable about talking about this stuff with you. He could be hinting though, how well do you know this guy? How old are you 2?


Hmm giving good head, rule No1, no teeth!!!! put your lips in a o shape and start sucking, amm tricky to describe actually but it's just something you have to practice and find out yourself. Suck on it like you would a lollipop in a way, like when you suck on a lollipop hard to get the most flavour. Similar principal. Not that I give head...


Sorry can't help with the "good handjob" I've never been given a "decent" handjob, they were all crappy.


When he cums, what after a blowjob or after a handjob??? well after a handjob, just leave it at that. He'll go limp. Hmm blowjob, if he doesn't tell you that he's about to cum and busts up in your mouth, you can either spit or swallow. All lot of girls are spitters though unless there real comfortable with the guy.


If your giving head and he says he's about to cum and you don't want to get spoof in your mouth you can quickly stop the head and finish him off with a hand job.


hope this helps somewhat....

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Im 18 he's 19. He kept makin sad faces online and stuff lol. I kno him pretty well, i used to work with him. but we arent like close friends like we used to. We used to talk "sexually" all the time. but its been a few months since then. thanks for ur reply! I hate having to ask a question like that, but im sure there are more ppl out there who would liek to kno too.

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First i'd like to say this


He might just be a desperate guy, and making you feel like he needs oral sex i don't think is right, you 2 are "FRIENDS" what right does he have to say he wants oral sex from you, sort of demanding isn't it....just my opinion, really thow colls i would be careful with this, it could lead to some very unwanted feelings inside, i don't want to see you get hurt because this guy [for lack of a better term] * used* you just to get some pleasure.



All Gravy



colls Really If your cool with all of this, and you can trust him,you want to take things slow, maybe even trying to date first. not just Friends, than go from there, and if you really don't know how to do " things" he would be glad to teach you, almost sure on that.





As far as details go for (hand jobs, Blow jobs, and what happens after he orgasms) well you have some paper towels ready..haha No I'm joking, just be ready for the unexpected, again..ask him how he likes it...slow, fast, with hand(s) without..the only way your going to know is if you ask, every guy is different, and so is there *you know what* more people here will get into details, hopefully some women can offer some more in depth information about this, it's somewhat out of my league.


Well hope i helped ...good luck!

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I think the guy has some really big nerve saying he "needs" it. Every guy needs it, or so they think. How dare he? And what about your needs? Did he stop to think of them?


What he is is called HORNY

Don't you be what they call STUPID or EASY


And don't even think of putting it in your mouth and allowing even pre-cum to get in there. CONDOMS before oral sex, and maybe since you can't figure out what he is really saying and why, perhaps you should consider that it's a bit too early for you to have any kind of sex until you understand better how to cope with unreasonable and demanding statements like his.


Sex isn't casual, even if you think it is, it is NOT. Too many people are dead and buried from treating sex as casual.


Hope this helps you to put your head on straight.

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Im sorry but my head is on straight. I have loved him, yes loved him for over a year now. It hasnt been a crush, a crush u accept EVERYTHING they do as good. I told him when he was wrong and when he needed to get help. Yes he is a horny guy, and i would never have sex with him or give him oral sex if i wasnt goin out with him.


I just wanted u guys to kno that. I am nto easy, i have morals. Im a virgin btw too. So just to let u know.

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