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Looking for new job? any ideas

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For someone who's in school and looking for a part-time job that's fun and where you can make some decent cash...bartending. You may have to take a Smart-Serve course (in Canada you do) which basically teaches you how to serve responsibly to avoide intoxication and drinking and driving. I think it only takes a day to take the course up here. Also a bartending course to learn how to mix drinks, but you can learn that on your own and some places will teach you on the job. It can be very hard work,but I did it when I was in my twenties and loved it.

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I personally recommend webmastering. I keep it as a hobby, spend maybe 4-5 hours a week on it, and make around 2-3 grand a month doing it, depending on what Im personally aiming for.


Flexible work hours, terrific pay, and being able to work at home. And I'm 17.

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Mm, I specialize in proxies. Meaning sites that unblock restricted sites in schools/universities/work places.


If you expand well enough, it's not the amateur niche people believe it to be. I, for example, am aiming for $2 grand next week from a network campaign I'm going to be working with. It's about 10-12 hours of work, so well worth it.


You can also go into other niches. Blogs in whatever you're interested in. You'd set up affiliate ads like AdSense, and start earning. It takes time to learn, but hella worth it.

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Man.. that totally beats my suggestion of being a garbage man for the summer...


(Probably the most fun I had for a summer.. other then the first week or so on the job after work.. its quite a workout)


as my driver the first day said "you'll be able to rip the nipples off your friends when you go back to school"


Actually..turned into a really good anthro paper too..

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ATL..just thought of another idea for you too. I do blackjack dealing part-time/occasional and it's alot of fun. I work for corporate parties, conventions etc, so it's very laid back, everyone's in a good mood etc. If you work in an actual casino I think it's more stressful because you get the serious players, but make better money. Once you get into it, you can go learn craps, roulette and poker dealing. I do it through an entertainment company.

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