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Meeting Ex this weekend - any advice? am very nervous

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Hi there


I am meeting my exboyfriend of 4 years (we broke up in July) for the first time since then this weekend. He has asked for the meeting repeatedly over the last two months - I kept putting it off because i was/still am afraid of being hurt but I miss him and need to put an end to the confusion.


Any advice - I really miss him but am afraid to let him know in case its just a meeting of "friends" - he says he just wants to talk...I'm anxious and worried. I want to hear him say he misses me but ahhh - i don't know - anybody been through this before?

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tough sopt you find yourself in... sorry babe, but there really isn't anything you can do but to stop expecting anything. What ever will be will be. Im sorry there isn't anything I can say that will help, but I don't think anyone can really help you out here. I know what its like though, and I know its tough. If you just want to talk most everyone around her is great, but feel free to PM me or e-mail me if you just need to say something. I'll do my best to give any advice I can.


Just though of one pice of advice I can give you. Don't push anything. You will only make things worse.

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Assuming he broke up with you, I think him wanting to see you is a very good thing. It shows he is at the very least thinking about you, which is also a good thing. The fact that he's wanted it for 2 months now, shows he hasn't changed his mind about it, and that it wasn't just a mood swing he had. So to me, I think things look good. Maybe he has realized what he has lost and that he misses you and wants you back.


But, you need to not get your hopes up. Try to go into this not expecting anything, which is hard, I know. But, that way when nothing happens, you wont be heartbroken. On the other hand, if things go very well, then you'll just be that much happier since you weren't expecting it. At the same time of not getting your hopes up, you also need to think positive. It all sounds contradicting, I know, but give it a try.

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