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I want him to come back to me!

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My boyfriend and I have been together for about two and a half years, we both agree they were the "best years of our lives." About two weeks ago, he all of a sudden decided to break up with me, I was completely shocked! We are both freshman in college and he told me that the main reason he wanted to take a break was so he could spend time on homework rather than with me. I know that he is really stressed and is a bit overwhelmed right now, but aren't all first year college students?!? We have broken up three times before for various lengths of time, one day to two months, but he always comes back to me. We love each other so much and are best friends yet now he won't even look at me. I think that another reason he wanted to break up was because I brought up the past more than I should have. He cheated on me and I will never forget that, I guess that's why I brought it up, so he knows how much he hurt me and won't do it again. Being without him these last two weeks made me realize how stupid I've been and how much I love him. How do I get him to come back to me? I know that he still loves me because the night before he broke up with me I fell asleep in his arms and he held me all night. In the morning he kissed me on my forehead and said "I will always love you, baby girl, I promise." That night he said he needed a break! Before he left he kissed me good bye and said "I still love you." I didn't try to contact him because I figured he would think that I was just trying to control him or something, but I really miss talking to him. He called me yesterday to apologize for being rude, not looking at me or saying hi, and he also told me that this has been hard on him too. He told me that he has been crying, and even though he doesn't show it, he still thinks about me. I love this guy so much more than I ever thought possible and I just want him back in my arms...the sooner the better!!! Is there any hope for us? How do I bring him back to me? Thanks for your help!

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When someone you love decides he or she wants out, after establishing a sense of togetherness,,...can be a hard road to travel. I've learned that everybody that says "I love you",...doesnt mean it from their heart, and the words are over used and abused without sincerity while saying it...


Since he wants to leave, and he has indicated that he has other things he must focus on...give him that respect and try to understand that he really feels strongly about it, without trying to come up with 50 million other reasons why he may have left, or if another girl was involved, or you would never get any sleep and it would turn your world upside down, which im sure has already happened...


In the meantime, if you feel as if you must cry, go ahead...its healthy for you to let out those feelings of confusion and maybe even abandonment, but dont dwell on trying to get him to stay against his will. That is a lot of time to invest into a relationship, only to find urself walking alone once again...but weather he is no longer in love,...or need space as he indicated,...try your best to stay focused on positive thoughts that will help carry you thru this heartbreak. Its gonna be tough...but we all go through it...





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