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Shallow Hal, Guys/Girls who know the movie to answer please

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Ok, I'm just wondering here, how many guys/girls in this forum are like Jack Black in the movie "Shallow Hal" you know, giving physical appearances the upmost value in meeting women/men, I think I'm this way


I tried using the movie for inspiration you see, to get to realize that there is more to women/men then physical appearances and once you get to know them and love their personalities their bodies will turn you on too. Don't know, hasn't worked so far, but anyway.....

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Hmm i think its hard just to be mentally attracted to a person ;


you have to feel physically attracted , but u can comprimise on looks of a person if they have a good personality but at the same time u cant look them over completely


Any way shallow hal didnt change much casue he was still shallow ...as he could only see those fat girls as thin thats why he was dating them ..

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I honestly way personality over looks, probably like 60/40. Physical appearance is important, but you gotta have something going on up there too. But I know I'm different than most people when it comes to this, and it will probably be the death of me!

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This girl that I am dating now (andI really like) has got the looks, but is a little thick on the body (she isn't really someone you'll see on the next issue of Vanity Fair or Cosmopolitan). My friends have asked me why am I dating someone like her or they tell me that I should go date someone else (I'm not that good-looking, but I am not ugly either). The fact is with her, I feel being a better person. She also has the brains; I could have intellligent conversations with her, she makes me laugh, and more. I really didn't care what other people told me, to me she's just perfect!

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