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question for the ladys

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That is in interesting question, someone recently asked me that and I could not give him an answer. I think it depends on the terms the relationship ended, and WHY it ended.


I don't know about most women, but I know I absolutely can NOT stand it when a man pretends like we can pick up from where things were when we DID get along. I think it's important to talk openly and be honest about what went wrong. Speak sparingly. That is very important. If you had a dissagreement and you do not feel to blame, the best thing is to not mention that. Let them air out their feelings, and TRY to understand THEIR point of view. And ASK, where can things go from there, and be willing to work on THEIR terms. Because it takes two people to get into an argument, but it also takes two to work it out, and thereforeeeeeee you need to be considerate of how they wish to work things out, and IF they want to work things out and RESPECT those wishes! Good luck!

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  • 2 months later...

Hey there, what I would do is look at the situation...why did you guys break up in the first place. If you think that there may be a chance then just try and be yourself obviously she saw something there, Reveiw the realationship. Maybe just be her friend and every once in a while tell her how you feel and ask her what she thinks. Because speaking from experience you don't want to be in a relationship or persue anyone who doesn't feel the same way that you do. So I hope that helps and you can figure stuff out

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