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Map Out Your Run!!


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check this out everyone, this is a great site that shows routes around your area where you can run, it even maps out the distance for you.


if you ever wanted to know how long your run or if you are looking for different routes to try out but you aren't sure how long the run will be this should be great for you.


i found out that one of my runs is just over 3 miles, the other is 4.5 and the other 7.5. this is cool. check it out!

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Yes, this is a pretty cool program, I use it when I do a new run out of curiosity (sometimes I ride the same route on my bike to measure it with my bike computer too which is more accurate than the program..but at least it gives you some idea).


My regular routes are 4-6 miles, and my longer routes are 8-10 miles. (I have a few routes for variety).


Though I often switch them up a bit or will add a bit or go a bit of a different direction for variety (get bored running SAME one everyday!).

If I am doing an easy day, I will just run halfway on one of my routes and do an out and back.


I prefer trail running too...and unfortunately this one does not let me map out trails as they are often unmarked...I use my bike to measure those!

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