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How i can tell her i love her without saying those 3 words..

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Hi.. i have a question.. my girlfriend and i have gone through some downhills and troubles but latly it has been great... and i was wondering how i can just say i love you but with different words.. i just want her to feel good and to let her know i do love her... i like to say i love you when it is the perfect situation... and i just want other ways to say it.. can ya help me by throwin down a few thing for me.. thanks.. and girls what do you like your boyfriends to say to ya to make ya feel loved..?

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Hi Jaxon,


I'm assuming that you have told her that you love her her - but it doesn't really matter. "I love you" can get boring in a relationship, and overused aswell. Alternatives are a great idea.


I would suggest alternatives like:


I really value the time I spend with you soooooo much




I am really loving being in this relationship with you


There are many nice things you can say - and the delivery should be done with care and affection. Words do mean a lot. Just deliver from the heart ,and don't be afraid to say something because you think it's cheesy!



Hope this helps you some,


Anyone else got any suggestions on this?


How would you let a partner know how much you care without saying "I Love You" ?

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hey Jaxon,

i dont think that you should have to tell her that you love her, she should know it, anyways, you could show her that you love her, take her out do something just the two of you.

i know charmed said that the three words i love you can get a bit boring and overused within a realtionship but if you use the word when you truly mean them then they shouldnt feel overused and become boring.

i guess you could say .... i love spending time and doing things with you ... i dont really know just let it come from the heart i guess ... wow that really sounded cheesey

i hope someone else has ideas, i dont know whether this was any help, i hope it was

~LJ =;

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