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having sex

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I don't know how to relax when my b/f and I are foolin around and things start goin deeper and one day it will leed into us having sex and I don't know how to go about it? I am affraid sumthin will go wrong. I have been waiting to have sex for the first time but when it DOES happen I am really nervous about it when the ubject comes up? pleez help....how do i do this???

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just relax......when you are ready you will know. but first before you get to that point ask him why he wants to do it. a good man will be patient with you. does he want to do it just to do it or to express his feelings for you?


as long as he loves you and takes his time with you.......and you both are relaxed it will be fine. ofcourse you know first time sex can be a bit uncomfortable. that is why you should save it for someone you really love. i don't know how old you are.......but it is best to wait until you have sorted your feelings out for eachother.


also.....when you first make love don't forget birth control.......also discuss consequences of sex like babies.......if he is not responsible enough to care for a child should you become pregnant........then you are not ready for sex. having sex means accepting everything that comes with it......whether it be babies, marriage or risking stds. that is why sex is for loving relatinships.


i made a big mistake before not discussing this with an ex of mine before we had sex and got pregnant on our first time having sex.......and he did not want me to have the baby and kept telling me to get an abortion.


so.........before having sex you must discuss readiness and consequences......good or bad.

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  • 5 months later...

I know exactly what you mean. The first time I had sex my legs were tremblling like you wouldn't believe. That's how the first time is. After that it will become much easier. It's like the first time you rode a bike you were really scared, right? And then it was really fun and you loved doing it. It's like that.

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