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remembering things that dont help me in any way

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Five years ago I had to break up with my bf. But suddenly I have started remembering him again(actually feeling guilty). Its hindering my everyday work. I am preparing for an extremely important examination and I am unable to concentrate on my exam each time I sit to practice the full length paper. Please help. It is hindering my performance.



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Hello there,


I understand you broke up with your boyfriend 5 years ago, and now you are remembering him.


Your post is a bit sketchy on the details. I have some questions for you that will aid me in replying and helping you in this situation.


First of all, what started these remembrances? Did you see him recently, find something of his that brought back memories? Why do you feel guilty? Was the break up really hard on him? Did you feel guilty at the time of the break up?


I'm just unsure why 5 years after you would think so much on a past relationship that it would affect your work performance. My suggestions for now are to write down your feelings, either on here or to yourself, and analyze them to get to the heart of why you feel this way. Don't keep these feelings inside of you, give them an outlet so you can move on to better things.


Best wishes!

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Yes his birthday was a couple of days ago. Another reason was that he sent me a message before that as wish for a festive occasion.

He never makes the effort to contact me or mail me otherwise. And I know there is no way we can get back togther as I have moved on and he is not the right person for me. I know him better and so will not get involved with him again.

I tried to write my thoughts and feelings and it has helped me. Hope this works in the future.



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