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Okay, I'm 17 years old and a senior in HS. I have liked a girl for about a year now and for the first 4 months that I liked her, we hung out and were close. We came close to becoming a couple/and or making love but it never happened because things got weird and we both didn't make a move. This was obviously a mistake. But, you have no idea how much I liked/like her. I started ignoring her in hope to either get over her or to show manliness and although we see each other around school and around town we don't really talk to each other but I know she thinks about me cause of various reasons. Well, I have a new gf for a while but I have realized that this past girl is who I would do anything to be with. I realize I have messed up, and my life would be complete if I could be with her. I am about to break up with my gf cause I realized she isnt right for me.



Heres the mission. How do I get this girl back into my life so I can re-spark something. I understand itd be better if I forgot about her but she really is that special to me. I honestly think its worth a huge effort. I dont think I can randomly start talking to her cause I have had opportunities to do that before and I didnt, so it would be strange for me to do it out of the blue. I have to do it some other way. If i could get her back into my life then im sure I could become her boyfriend. Please guys, some help would be appreciated. I'm gonna go for it.

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Sorry I can't help but find this funny. You have the easiest of tasks to achieve and you call it impossible?


Just go and talk to her. Ask her how she has been lately etc. Get the chat going and just get things moving again.


You want to hear about mission impossible?


Try going after a 26 yr old Russian opera singer who turns out to be a 34 yr old Moldovan opera singer who then turns out to have a 7 yr old son and a bf at the same time that she's giving you green lights with her eyes. Then when you make the move she ignores it and calls you over 2 months later at 1:20 am saying she loves you. On top of that she speaks no english so you have to find an interpreter and after 3 months of phone calls she comes to the UK to work, meets you and doesn't hit it off but agree's to meet again! - Thats what I call mission impossible!


She's much older than I first thought, has a son, don't speak english, lives 2000 miles away etc etc.


You think your mission is difficult? LOL


Just kinda shows that you should be able to do this. Go, look inside your mind, find the courage and go and talk to your ex. You mentioned that you've never felt like this about anyone before. Neither have I about this singer which is why despite all the odd's I've gone after her and we eventually met up. I really like this woman and I will do whatever I can to get myself into a relationship with her. You should think along these same lines. Don't let anything stand in your way. You know what you want so go and get it!!!!.


Good luck!!!


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" playing bond music in the background"


LOL Turboz mission i think is way more impossible, he might have to hire a 007 agent to really successfully complete his objectives.


ok to your post.. well since you call this "mission" impossible, i would have to disagree..i think what turboz said was correct, you should just start to talk to her again when you see her, it only takes saying the word "Hi"


Ok I'm going to help you now task #1...Say What the sound "H" makes.


Hhhhhhhhaaaaaa- ok very good.


Now task #2...say what the sound "I" makes.


Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee -Impressive isn't it


Ok put those two sounds together, what do you have. well if you haven't figured it out yet it's commonly referred to as your "introduction" Not to sound sarcastic in this post but you screwed things up from what you said, So now fix them, re-build what you destroyed, if she accepts go with it. And if not...than she isn't worth your time.


( just do it)-Nike

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S4il is right.


It's really not that hard.

Want to motivate yourself into doing it? - Treat it like a dream. What can go wrong? - Your actually fast asleep in bed and when it's all over no-one's going to remember any of it. Besides whats the worst thing that can happen? - Even if you died on the spot you wouldn't suffer any embarrasment because you wouldn't be alive to know about it.


Just stop worrying and go for it. Women like it when they think that someone has noticed them.


Look, let meput it like this. My "Mission" was definitely impossible. I saw this beautiful woman, heard her sing and I knew I wanted her. It was impossible though. As I found out more about her (including the 34 yr old, the 35 yr old Boyfriend, the son etc) the odds against me got bigger. People at work were telling me to forget her, put her out of my mind etc. I even had one b*tch tell me that "She's out of your league so don't bother" - Can you imagine how much confidence that destroyed inside me? - Lots. I felt like scum when she said that to me. I still did a total of 7 shows with the company though and this woman noticed it. She only noticed me though because I once took her photo at a previous show - just before I was going out the door - I had made that move to be noticed and it worked. From the next show onwards she noticed me instantly. The eye contact grew and got stronger and I was only to pleased to see that this woman was looking at me. I twice caught her looking at me like she was in some sort of dreamy hypnotic trance (Never knew I could do that to a woman). If you ever see a woman look at you like this then it's definitely green lights all the way - You'll know it when it happens.


Anyway I was getting bad signs all the way. People were telling it would be impossible and to forget it. I was also being told "She lives thousands of miles away she'll never be interested" etc. I had one put down after another. Imagine how confused I felt when this woman started looking at me! - VERY CONFUSED. I was also very nervous. My instincts were telling me that she liked me and my mind was tellikng me she didn't because of what everyone else had said.


In total I was in 7 shows with the company before the tour went further north. The last day of the tour I have already described the last time i saw her when she was coming down the stairs. When I caught her looking at me after coming down just one step I was scared stiff but I also knew that it was a good sign. I decided that I had been a fool and missed out on something great. I was disappointed with myself because she had been making eye contact with me, she did like me, my instincts were correct but I had failed to act upon any of it. I simply let her walk straight past me, go out the door and I didn't even give her a wink yet alone my number. I felt really bad about myself but then I remembered "This is impossible right?".


Ok, back to the drawing board. Find another woman and forget about the singer - I couldn't. I knew they were performing several hundred miles north so a few days later 12 RR's went hurtling to the theatre with her name on the delivery note. My name and number were on the card and despite the fact she didn't realise it was me that sent them she did call and try to say thankyou in broken english. That call went badly because she didn't speak english so I called a member of their company to find out what the reaction was. I was told that her BF was no longer important (Ooops & sorry pal!), everyone had seen these flowers, she'd proudly paraded them from one changing room to another, and BTW, "Contact her again tonite".


Ok, she don't speak english so what could I do??? - More flowers went to her at the theatre again (this was 2 days after the RR's). I was told that she would call me but she didn't. I felt crap. Although I knew it was an impossible mission with an un-reachable result I still felt bad even though I knew it was impossible to start with.


I mean lets face it. Would a Admin Assistant working for a government dept really stand a chance with a show singer from a foreign country who is years older than him, has a BF, son and many other men looking at her? - No I didn't think I stood a chance really either.


Now 2.5 months later when I was at my neighbours getting slowly drunk feeling sorry for myself I got a phone call from someone who was trying to speak english (though it was quite bad). I'll give you 3 guesses who it was (and here's a clue: It was female and I've talked about her alot in this reply!). Yep, she called. I found myself an interpreter and called her back a few days later. Turns out that she was V excited when she got these flowers and after a few phone calls I managed to establish that there was this one young man she liked with black hair and she knew she shouldn't be looking at a younger man but couldn't help herself - She also admitted that she had tried to get this young man's attention several times but wasn't sure if he noticed her. Then she asked "is that you?" - She didn't actually realise that it was me that she was talking to through an interpreter - I had found out that she liked me without even giving her the slightest clue who I was.


Needless to say we finally (after 3 months of calls) met last monday 29/9/3 (Or for you american's 9/29) when she came back with another company to sing over here.


YOU THINK YOU HAVE A DIFFICULT TASK????? - What do you think of mine?!?!?!?!?! - I achieved it despite all the odd's. Everything was set against me. Despite that we've since met up (It didn't go brilliantly, but she's agreed to meet me again). So how difficult is your mission in comparison? - I've got to say I wish my task had been as easy as yours!!!


If it had been that easy for me I would never have had a problem. IF you think the odd's are against you then when you next see your lady remember me and my impossible situation. Despite all the odd's, comments, put downs, language barriers & her BF I got her interested in me.


Just go for it and remember there are harder things!

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