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Looking At Myself


My bare feet walk on the grass:

Stepping on stones, I hope the pain will pass.

Creeping up to my bed,

I stare at me while I sleep.

I reach down and touch my forehead,

it feels so cold, I begin to weep.


Passing by a mirror,

I stop and look at me.

I stare in fear,

wondering who it is looking back at me.

I notice the mirror image leave

and my soul has lost its sleeve.


The sound of a gunshot fills my ears,

I pull my hands up to cover the noise.

I see the blood bleed from my heart,

dripping to the ground with an echo.

I fall to the ground and clutch my heart

but is has been chained from the start.


I cry out to me as I try to take my life.

Not getting through, I now see me die.

I reach for my hand but it slips by.

I watch myself hit the floor,

my eyes begin to close.

Where i'm going, nobody knows.


I watch my soul get ripped from my heart,

the barbed wired around it is now my home.

I try to break free,

the wire digs into me.

So confined, cannot get out.

This pain is too much to bare.


I watch the preacher say a prayer

as he raises his hands to the sky.

He says "Lord as you take this child"

I turn and look at the ground,

I see a coffin under a shady tree.

I move closer to see, I begin to cry

when I see it is me.


So empty is my spirit

as I watch it fly in confusion.

Not knowing whether to up or down.

Crying it falls to the ground.

I run to help me face my fear,

by the time I reach me, I disappear.


Now I see me in the grave,

the dirt begins to fill the hole.

I try to get out but I am not that strong.

The light I saw has now turned black.

I have watched myself die,

I am never coming back.

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