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my so called friend

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well me and him have been friends since kindergarten but we became bestfriends in 5th grade a year ago he got this new job (im a senior hes a junior we both are in highschool) so he got this new jobI saw him less and less as the months went on now i should add that my junior and this year (senior) ive been homeschooled i got homeschooled for a few reasons but the main was my first love wanted nothing to do with me and i fell into a pit of depression just in time for summer and i got homeschooled so i wouldnt have to see her anymore (but she does live down the street from me so i dont get out much) my friend knows this knows i want a g/f he knows i want friends so a few months ago i find out every monday nite his brother and a bunch of people from his church and other of his bro's friends go bowling , he never even invited me he says he's my bestfriend so wht wont he invite me , i want to meet new people he knows that i asked why he wont invite me he never answered (do you yhink he's embaressed by me ?)so later we were talking (he goes to a youth group at his chrch and he tells me all about his friends and how much fun it is) ive always been kinda an athiast but the last months im beleiving in God so going to his church is the best idea meet new kids my age and go to church so i asked if sometime i could go he said yes later in the conversation we were taljking about how they should open a coffee shop by where we live and we could go and hangout well a few days later he tells me that his youth group center is openeing a coffee shop for the teenagers to hang out friday nites (perfect fit right!!) well a few weeks go by its friday he calls home to say he's ready to go i asked where are you going ? he said the coffee shop opened and he was going i was like "oh that'll be fun" he said "yeah i cant wait" as his mom pulled up to my house he was like c-ya and i was alittle hurt , am i being selfish or like a baby or is this seriosly mest up ? i tell him how lonly i am anyway plz let me know what you think

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I think that maybe you need to sit and talk to your friend about what you are going through. If your friend is a good friend, he will understand and try to include you in some of the things he is doing. If not, maybe he is not the friend that you think he is. Sit him down and ask him, without letting him avoid the question, why when you have asked him to go out with him, and he says yes, does he never invite you r include you. There may be a logical reason, and there may not be. Maybe make the effort to get out on your own around your neighbourhood. Go for walks (take your pet if you have one) try to get to know kids that you know or don't know in the area. Try to get out on your own and not have to follow someone around, be an individual and try doing it on your own, if you are unsure and can't handle it, then brining it up with your friend is the next best bet. Good luck and i hope i was some help. mel

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Forget him and his lousy ass , you don’t need him ..go out join a club or a society or something ..he aint ur buddy if he knows you want to hangout but still dosent invite you then to hell with him


He sounds like a lousy guy ..u cant confront him with this but I wouldn’t its not like he dosent know ..go out and find better people , stop scraping the bottom of the barrel with a dude who dosent even give a sh*t


So get out there and make friends

If u need one online then I am always here , simple rule in life mate if anyone or anything gets u down it aint worth it !!


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