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  1. I don't want to be married to you any longer....after the horrific way you've treated me and handled things, I finally no longer question that. But I do want to know-why?! Why didn't you try? I did. Why didn't you talk to me-this intense anger from you came out of absolutely nowhere. If we were to end, I wanted to at least part with the respect that an 11 year friendship, much less new marriage, deserves. You always said that if anything were to ever happen, that's what you'd want too. I guess that's just one more thing you lied about to me. I wanted to be able to hug, be happy for the good times we have, and accept where we were at now. But instead, you choose to be mean and awful, demeaning, controlling, and outright cruel. And ironically, you-the person who's hurt me unimaginably-you are the only one I want to talk to. And I hate you for making me want that, even after all you've done. I miss the person I thought you were. I wish I could have that person back for 5 minutes. I hope I don't stop trusting in people now-it was so hard for me to trust anyone before you came along. Please don't take that away from me too. I love you...I miss you....I want one last hug. But that is never to be. I know the person I thought you were is gone forever and all that's left now is a controlling child who won't take responsibility for anything and who doesn't care one bit about anyone but himself. Man....I miss my best friend
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