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Everything posted by Ruiner

  1. Hi, I've been with my girlfriend, Louise, for 10 weeks now. We met on my 18th birthday, and we seemed to be getting on really well together. We saw each other 3 or 4 nights a week, and we'd txt each other during the day. Everything was going great until about 3 weeks ago. She told me that she had a lot of work to do in the following week, and that she'd have little or no time to see me. I was fine with it, and we did meet up one night that week in a bar for a couple of hours. And then the week after she was still too busy to see me. She didnt txt me as much and when she did it was just to tell me that she was busy doing this and that. So I went out with my friends on the friday, and went to a club. She said that she might be in there, and she was. The thing is, she didnt really pay much attention to me. She was sat in a big group with all her friends, and she didnt even get up or anything when I arrived. I couldnt get anywhere near her because she was sat right at the back of her friends. After about 10 minutes of just standing around I went to put my coat in the cloakroom, and she came running over because she thought I was leaving because she didnt come over to me. But that was pretty much all the attention she gave me all night. I was starting to get the impression that she was maybe getting tired of me or something, so I stopped txting her. After 4 days of no contact she sent me a txt asking if I was ok, and how she'd been so busy. We were txtin each other for the rest of the day, and she told me how she couldnt see me that week (last week) because she was busy doing all sorts of things, like driving lessons, seeing her dad, etc. She said that she was going to her friends house on Wednesday though, and it had me thinking that if she can make plans to see her friends, then why not me? She plans to go to clubs and bars with her friends, and she'll just tell me that she might be in there if I want to meet her in there. I just felt that she's putting her friends before me, so I started to feel pretty down. Anyway, on thursday she said she'd be out in a bar with a couple of friends, so I went down to meet her and she hardly really said much to me. She was just chatting to her friends. After about 15 minutes she said she was going to her friends house for a while, and that she might meet me in this club later on that night. She left me in the bar without really even saying bye, and I just got instant depression. I hit the drink and drunk more than I ever had done in my life. I dont remember the rest of that night, but yesterday I learned that I'd been quite abusive to a lot of people and acted totally out of character. I went back to the club last night to see if I could meet up with any of the people I offended and apologise but none of them were there. I did meet a friend of mine who was with me on thursday night though and he said that his girlfriend had spoken to Louise. He said that Louise had told her that she really has had very little time to see me, that she had to go round to see her friend on wednesday because it was her birthday, and that she still likes me. And now I dont know what to do. I txted her yesterday morning asking if she was ok and if we could do anything any time soon and she hasnt replied. People say I should talk to her, but I really dont know what to say to her!? I just want to know if she still wants us to carry on or not, because I'm getting so confused and I cant take my mind off it, but i dont want to say something that might pressurise her into seeing me if she really has very little time to see me because I'll feel so awkward. What should I do?
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